Light Commercial Construction

We know you have options from the construction companies offering light commercial work. We take pride in each and every project entrusted to us. We strive to attend to our customers’ needs so that it’s clear your project is our priority. Whether it’s a small bathroom or the installation of a commercial deck at a restaurant, we work toward your positive remodel or build experience. Our team of licensed and insured contractors is experienced at dealing with a variety of light commercial construction. Our full-scale project management services organize budget, timeline, and coordination of contractors to keep your project progressing smoothly. Choose American Builders Maine when integrity matters.

A large concrete wall is being built on a construction site.

Count On A Clean Job Site To Keep Your Business Open.

Remodeling is a messy business. From drywall dust to an influx of supplies, the nature of the building business is not inherently tidy. The team at American Builders Maine is dedicated to keeping your jobsite clean and safe. Whether it’s a kitchen remodel or a light commercial project, our process ensures that your job site is neat and tidy at the end of each day. These steps make it more likely that you can keep your business operational during your renovation.

You Have The Fun While We Do The Work.

Remodeling can be fun! Customize your space for the services you offer. Our team helps you choose fixtures and finishes but leaves the final decision to you. Reflect the style and aesthetic of your business through your remodel or addition.

A large wooden structure is being built in the middle of a forest.
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