There once was a time when homeowners would venture outside every few years to repaint the exterior of their home. Time after time they noticed that the new paint just wasn’t lasting as long as they had hoped. What could save these poor homeowners’ time and hard-earned money? If you find yourself feeling like one of these homeowners, then Vinyl siding installation might be the answer for you.
Choosing the siding that is right for your home is like selecting a jacket that will protect you from wind, rain and drastic temperatures. Siding refers to a material that is applied to the exterior of a structure as a finishing surface. Siding is also an important component of the design of your home. When selecting siding, certain things must be reviewed. Understanding the architectural design of your home, characteristics of materials, the local weather and lifestyle differences are very crucial to selecting the proper siding.
Climate plays a serious role in home siding. Being in Maine we do face severe weather extremes, from hot, humid summers to cold winters. In such climates stucco construction does not hold up well. To adjust to the local surroundings, homes there tend to have brick exteriors or Stone Veneer Panels, vinyl siding, which are resistant to wood rot and easily maintainable.
Today an assortment of siding materials exists in various designs and colors. The most commonly used materials include wood, aluminum, steel, vinyl and masonry. Wood siding offers a very beautiful look to a home. With the proper surface treatment, the wood can be protected from warping, decay, and insect infestation.
Cedar shingles look great in natural settings, and if the natural look is important to you, then cedar shakes may be the answer. The shakes or shingles are usually stained in earth tones, browns, or grays. This is a really great look with less upkeep than clapboard that needs painting periodically.
Vinyl siding is a plastic made from PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. The advantages of never having to worry about rot and flaking paint makes this exterior covering attractive to many consumers. However, with a lower price tag comes problems. Vinyl siding has a tendency to crack, split, and look faded and dingy after a few years. Manufacturers have made improvements on these problems, but they still exist. The environmentally conscious may not want to choose vinyl due to the problems it creates when it is removed – PVCs release toxins when burned, making vinyl not environmentally friendly.
Wood siding has been used for hundreds of years, and seeing a 300-year-old clapboard house is testimony to the durability of wood when properly maintained. Cedar, pine, spruce, redwood, Cyprus, or Douglas fir are the woods used most often. Pine holds finishes extremely well, giving it added value.
American Builders Maine can help you select what is right for you. Call today for a free consultation.